Punto: Dots in perfect harmony ← previous → next font Textarea Beispiel Type your text here Punto Light Punto Light Italic Punto Regular Punto Italic Punto Bold Punto Bold Italic Textarea Beispiel The dots of Punto are not made up of grid-based dots, they are optical corrected and there is always the same distance between the dots, with the aim to create more harmonic letterforms. The dots also vary gradually in size to reflect the thickening and thinning of strokes, giving the letterforms a sophisticated overall look. The problem with dot lettering is the distribution of the distances between the dots, i.e. regardless of the shape and length of a line, they always end at exactly the same distance from the dot. With signage, distances and dot sizes vary minimally to compensate for this negative effect. In addition, there is a flexible blank space for dipping curves such as a, d, b, q, p, g ... A minimal line width contrast and optical equalisation of thickening promotes a harmonious overall appearance of the font. PreviousNext12345 PreviousNext123 Single Font: € 14,00 Complete Font Family (6): € 52,00 License (pay once): 1 user 2-3 users 4-7 users 8-15 users 16-30 users 31-50 users 51-75 users 76-100 users 101-150 users 151-200 users → Shop Punto:→ Type specimen (PDF)→ Download Free Font Kontakt Datenschutz/Impressum © Fontador 2024 EULA Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy FollowFollow